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His trip to the Far East will allow him to experience elephants in a very different way from what he had seen in European zoos.
This trip will make a lasting impression on him, and will allow him to stage monumental compositions, and thus to give his work an additional decorative dimension.

Royal elephants, Hué citadel. 1923.

Elephant all clad. C 1923.

Sacred elephants of Madura. 1926.

Elephant in front of the Angkor temple. C1923.

Sacred elephant. C 1925.

Elephant in Angkor. C 1925.

Sacred elephant of Madura. C1923.

Troup of elephants and python. 1930

Elephants in front of a temple in South India. C1924.

Elephant all clad. 1922.
Elephant from the temple of Civa. South India.

Elephants, circa 1924.

Elephants bathing in the Perfume River. C 1923.

Elephants crossing a portico. C 1925.

Éléphant et son cornac, 1923.

Éléphant devant le temple de Madura, 1923

Éléphant marchant avec howdah, vers 1925.