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Jouve painted with talent, all representatives of the animal world, raptors, bears, snakes, fish, monkeys, his pets also being a subject of study

Fish in Bermuda. 1957.

Fight between a tiger and python.

Ours blancs.

Macedonian buffalo, Salonique. 1917.

Black panther and python.


Troup of elephants and python. 1930

Polar Bear

Brown bears


Wood grouse

Eagle and Hare

Stag and doe

Animals sick with the plague


The dog "Betty"

Eagle owl

Trois Perroquets. C 1935.


Eagle and its prey

Mickey and Baby
Macedonian buffalo team. C 1920.

Harnessed Arabian horse, circa 1920.

Le roman de renard. 1959.

Perroquet. C 1935.

Cerf couché. Vers 1955.

Python lové, vers 1925.

Poissons tropicaux

Buffle s'abreuvant, temple d'Angkor, 1923.

Couple de faisans, C 1955

Poissons des Bermudes, 1956

Poissons des Bermudes, 1956

Buffle à Salonique. 1917

Deux ours

Panthère et paon. 1949

Python branché. Vers 1922.

Chimpanzé, vers 1936

Poissons des Bermudes. 1956.

Buffle macédonien tirant un chariot, C 1917.

Poissons des Bermudes. 1956.