To illustrate Charles Terrasse's book, Paul Jouve produced ten subjects which he translated into lithography.
When the work was finished, Paul Jouve had a separate print made at the art printer Lucien Détruit, making about thirty artist's proofs, for each of the lithographs.
These artist's proofs are all on Japanese paper, on each proof must be affixed a dry seal to the artist's panther head, Jouve having signed off the plate and justified artist proof each lithograph.

Panthère noire debout

Panthère branchée

Jaguar noir assis

Jeune panthère assise

Aigle sur un rocher

Éléphant devant Angkor vat

Cathédrale d'Albi

Deux jaguars

Éléphant et python

Marabout et rhinocéros
These original proofs should not be confused with the pages from the book or the suites from the Terrasse book, which are never sealed, signed and justified outside the plate.
These reproductions, like all the pages from the books illustrated by Jouve more generally, are not original works by Paul Jouve, but reproductions, printed in large numbers, from the work of Jouve and no. 'have as such a merely decorative value.