
Jouve's sculpted work began around 1898, with small-sized sculptures and bas-relief plaques, published in very small series, cast by Rudier and marketed by the Bing gallery.

From 1905, Jouve made larger sculptures. He will be the publisher himself, making the fonts produced as and when he sells. The prints being extremely small, between three and six copies on average, the distribution of his exceptional works was therefore very limited.

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From 1902 Jouve produced various sculptures, most of which were sold by the Bing gallery.

From 1910, he sculpted larger pieces, which were produced in very limited numbers. Jouve will reserve the right to publish his sculptures, made with the lost wax, first by Rudier, then Valsuani and finally Godard.

Lion walking 1914

Lion walking 1914

Young panther. 1932.

Young panther. 1932.

Lioness and her cub. 1946.

Lioness and her cub. 1946.

Monkey examining small statue 1905

Monkey examining small statue 1905

Young panther. 1934.

Young panther. 1934.

Towhorse, C1905.

Towhorse, C1905.

Bull’s head. 1937.

Bull’s head. 1937.

Marteau de porte. 1925.

Marteau de porte. 1925.

Tiger devouring a wild boar

Tiger devouring a wild boar

Lion devouring a young wild boar, C 1935.

Lion devouring a young wild boar, C 1935.

Elephant. 1913.

Elephant. 1913.

Mouflon 1904

Mouflon 1904

Camel, C 1909.

Camel, C 1909.

Lion lying 1904

Lion lying 1904

Tête de taureau. 1937.

Tête de taureau. 1937.

Daim bondissant, 1937.

Daim bondissant, 1937.

Bouc. C 1925.

Bouc. C 1925.

Tigre sur sa proie. 1904.

Tigre sur sa proie. 1904.

Lion de l'Atlas terrassant un mouflon. 1937.

Lion de l'Atlas terrassant un mouflon. 1937.

Singe à la statuette. C1906.

Singe à la statuette. C1906.

Singe à la statuette. C1906.

Singe à la statuette. C1906.

Encrier Hibou. C 1905.

Encrier Hibou. C 1905.

Marteau de porte à la tête de lion. version 2.C 1926.

Marteau de porte à la tête de lion. version 2.C 1926.

Marteau de porte à la tête de lion. version 1.C 1926.

Marteau de porte à la tête de lion. version 1.C 1926.